Meet the Furrs

We are a family of 5 living in Scotland and taking the adventure Aslan sends us. We love scones, tablet, fried Mars Bars, haggis and occasionally even Irn Bru!  But what do we love even more...

We love seeing men and women connect to their own hearts and the heart of God

Taking up their place in the "Great Story" and coming fully alive!

We serve as overseas ministry workers with Paraclete Mission Group and EPC World Outreach

Paraclete and EPC WO are our US-based sending agencies, but we work as the directors of East Mountain, UK based in Scotland

As overseas workers, we count on the generous support of people like you to help us pursue our calling.  We could not do this without you!  if you are interested to give to help support the work of the Furrs in kilts, please click below

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